Greetings, everyone! Thank you so much for your kind comments about my crazy mesh wreaths ... I truly appreciate it! I can't tell you how much I am enjoying this new adventure and am looking forward to seeing what it brings in the future!
Now, it's time to share our Christmas mantel! And, I'm going to go ahead and tell you guys that you'll be a bit disappointed because after all of the absolutely sweetest (and sincerely appreciated) comments you all left about our glitzy Nutcracker mantel from last year, there is no way I could top it, BUT, it was time for a change.
I had no idea what I wanted to do, until my sweet 5 year old (or "5 and 8/4" (lol) as he will tell you) came up to me one day and had a bazillion and one questions about Santa ... "Mommy, how does he come down the chimney ... does he take the plate with carrots up to the reindeer or just the carrots themselves ... what do the reindeer get to drink ... does Santa sit down while he eats his cookies and drinks his milk?" Needless to say, his sweet innocence quickly reminded me what the magic of Christmas is all about. And, it was then that I realized what I wanted to do. Sooooo, I present to you our mantel of 2011 ... dedicated to the big guy in red!
I've had this beautiful Santa print (from Kirkland's) for a few years, but could never find the perfect place for it during the holidays, so, unfortunately, it usually ended up back in the attic, not being used ... that was, until *this* year! Shhhhhhh ... he's watching you!
The moment I spotted these "Believe" blocks (at a local, amazing Christmas shop called "Callahan's"), I *knew* they would be the perfect centerpiece to our "Santa" mantel:
I also knew when I spied this simple, white (aged) reindeer at TJMaxx, he would be the perfect companion to his neighboring rustic Santa:
And, in case it's dark when Santa arrives, I'll be sure and turn the lantern on for him so that he can see!
Of course, I had to add sprigs of pine and wintery florals for Santa to feel as though he's right at home! Let's just hope that Mrs. Claus is a fan of faux florals herself! LOL.
Would you just LOOK at this fabulous sleigh I found at HomeGoods?! It's all ready for Santa to add a few presents to the ones I already placed in there! Our vintage Santa is comfortably perched on top and ready to play soft music to relax and entertain "the big guy" while he leaves his goodies!
When Santa wants to sit and relax while he enjoys his milk and cookies, our chair is all ready for him. And, want an inexpensive way to make a Christmas pillow? Just add a burlap bow to a pillow you already have and tuck a piece of pine or a wintery mix into the bow and voila!
I have to say that, as much as I love glitz and bling and miss the sequined nutcrackers that usually grace our mantel, this is ... by far ... my most favorite Christmas mantelscape ... mainly because Jackson's eyes lit up when he saw it for the first time. I thank you, my sweet Jax, for reminding Mommy not to forget about the *magic* of Christmas!
And, while we all know the true "reason for the season," I hope that you don't forget what the magic of the holiday season is all about, as well!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Come on over and party for the holidays with me:
Dittle Dattle/Amaze Me Monday
From My Front Porch to Yours/Mantel Party
Coastal Charm/Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Savvy Southern Style/WUW

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