I've had ENOUGH winter! And we have only had about 2 inches of snow this year. Can you tell that I am a transplanted Californian? ...
Cafe Shelves Tutorial

Happy Hump Day! Over the last couple of months, I've received quite a few e-mails asking how I made the cafe shelves in our kitchen. S...
Easter Mantel Snippets ...

Greetings, friends !! What a GORGEOUS day it is outside ... I'm off to enjoy it !! But, first, I thought I'd share a few sneaks at ...
Don't Forget...

Don't Forget to Enter the Giveaway! $25.00 HomeGoods Gift Card and Carolyn Westbrook's The French Inspired Home. It ends tomorrow ...
Spring Cleaning Week
It's Spring Cleaning week here at our house! I'm going through room by room and organizing and purging. I started on Saturday wi...
Anthro Knock Off Drapes
Good Morning and Happy Monday Everyone! I'm still working on my Guest Room and I shared some of the progress here . I hope to have i...
What Is It ...

So, one of the items on my "to do" list this year is to go through my bazillion pictures and either delete them or save them to a ...