Yesterday was the annual Nell Hill's Tent Sale
at the Briarcliff location. My girlfriend and I went last year but by the time we got inside the tent we were disappointed that everything was picked over and there was hardly anything left. So, we plotted to be there earlier this year. She picked me up at 7:00am and we took off with a short detour to Starbucks first (Hey, it WAS 7:00 in the morning!).
Here's the line when we got there...
The tent is where the big trucks are parked and the line wrapped all the way around the tent to the left.
Sigh! Oh well!
Here's my Starbucks cup holding my place in line. You can see that people literally camp out and wait for the sale to start. One lady that I met as I was paying said that she and her friends got there at 3:45am. WOW!!!
Mary Carol Garrity came out to talk to everyone in line. She told us not to be discouraged that a lot of people just grab things and then decide not to buy them and they put the merchandise back. We'll see... She is such a doll though and always so personable with everyone. We met a lot of fun people in line and talked the whole time during our wait.
It's best to bring a box or bags to put your things in while you shop. It is very crowded inside the tent and hard to get around the aisles. This lady has the right idea! She is pushing a laundry cart! Or maybe it is wash day and she had some sorting to do while she waited in line.
Ohhhh, they are letting people in now. I hope there is something left by the time we get there.
At the other end of the sale people put their loot on tarps to look it over before they buy it. You have to guard it closely or it may end up in someone else's hands!
This was all I managed to find: Two stakes that go into urns that were $4.00 (someone had actually put them back), A pretty blue plate for $2.00, some burlap reindeer ribbon, the whole bag was $10.00, three tiny trees wrapped in burlap at $1.00 each, and a package of fall leaves for $3.00.
Very disappointing.
We strolled inside to take a look around since we were there. My girlfriend's daughter was with us so we focused on researching items for her bedroom.
Cute chalkboard frame...
Love the shape of this lamp and the black shade...
And how wonderful would it be to dine out under the stars with these beautiful paper lanterns?
All in all it was a fun day.
Will I go next year?
I don't know...
Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,
XO Cindy
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