A BLOG post?
How long has it been?
OK, let's not talk about it...
Let's just move on from here and pretend
that I haven't been absent forever!
I'm sure you are all wondering
what prompted my long sabbatical
(or maybe you aren't wondering).
It was a combination of many factors;
having my house up for sale was one,
starting a full time office job was another,
and then just daily life thrown in with a Senior
in high school and lots of college visits.
But I'm back and although I would like to think
that I can blog full time,
I realize that my time constraints
won't really allow for that.
I am going to shoot for once or twice a week and see how that goes. I will try to fill you in on all the details mentioned above as I blog but for now let's get to the fun stuff...
I Love the Holidays!
I wanted to try something new outside this year.
I had seen the cutest urns on Pinterest last year and wanted to replicate them.
They had taken large play balls,
you know the ones you see in the huge wire bins at
Wal-Mart, and spray painted them silver
and popped them(not literally) in an urn.
Easy right?
Well, not if you can't find the balls anywhere!!!
Which reminds me of the Funniest story
that I HAVE to tell you!
Mr. Beaux and I were at The Wal-Mart in search of the play balls and we didn't see any. He sees a Wal-Mart worker and inquires about the balls. She was the cutest little elderly lady with her cute blue Wal-Mart vest.
She gets on her walkie talkie and in the loudest voice says
"Hey, do we have BIG BALLS?"
"Hey, do we have BIG BALLS?"
OMG, we were DYING!

So, this year I remembered to look for the balls in the fall before they put their seasonal toys away for the year.
I spray painted them silver
with about three coats of spray paint.
I set a real greenery wreath from Costco on top of the urn.
They run about $15.00 a piece and
will last most of the season outside.
I wrapped ribbon around the spray painted ball and fashioned a pretty bow on top.
Now, I bet you are probably wondering how the heck I am going to keep that shiny ribbon wrapped ball in that pot all season without it flying off to Nebraska!
Yes, I did think of that too...
It gets pretty windy at my house.
So, I took a coat hangar and looped it through the ribbon at the bottom of the ball and stuck it into the dirt in the bottom of the urn.
Problem solved.
Up closer to the house I decorated the urns with lots of greens, pine cones and berries.
Last year I bought branches with lights on them at Target. This year I added to those branches with new more realistic lighted branches.
It looks so pretty at night with everything lit up.
In my next post we'll take a house tour...
Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves
Savvy Southern Style for WOW
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