 I am now an "Empty Nester"

My middle son moved out 
with his older brother into a house 
not too far away 
and my daughter went off to college 
all in the span of two weeks.  
It all happened so fast!  
It was like ripping off a band-aid for sure!  
When you have children you know 
that someday, the day will come 
when they will branch out and fly the nest.  
Whether they are going off to college, 
moving out on their own for the first time 
or entering the military, 
there will be a day when you sit inside of your house 
and realize that you are all alone.  
This "aloneness" is called Empty Nest Syndrome. 
 According to Psychology Today: 
 Empty Nest Syndrome refers to feelings of depression, 
 sadness, and/or grief experienced by parents and 
caregivers after children come of age and leave their 
childhood homes. 

Hmmmmmm, I can't say that I am experiencing 
any of those feelings...yet! 
I do however realize the quietness in the house.  
Erma Bombeck once wrote an article 
that my mother clipped from the newspaper titled 
"Someday it will be quiet, too quiet".  
I wish I had that article to share with you all, 
but in typical Erma fashion, 
it made you laugh and made you cry.  
I am enjoying all of this quietness right now!  
I am enjoying spending time with Mr. Beaux, 
just the two of us...  
I am so proud of all of my children 
and feel like as parents, 
we have prepared them well for this journey. 
I have a lot of projects planned for the future, 
trips to take and friends to catch up with... 
I am not planning to create any animal outfits quite yet...
But, if I am feeling lonely, 
I do have all of these guys to keep me company.  

All of you Empty Nesters out there... 
How was it for you?  
If you wouldn't mind sharing, 
I would love to hear from you!

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,


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