My mom called me last week and we were catching up 
and began chatting about our latest home projects.  
My mom is always up to something 
(where do you think I get it?) 
and always has great advice!  
She told me that she was restoring the finish 
on her kitchen cabinets.  
OK, I was thinking, your cabinets look fine!  
She really does have a beautiful custom kitchen that she planned out and had remodeled a few years ago.  
She has warm wood cabinets and 
beautiful dark brown granite counters.  
But, she said that her dog had scratched 
some of the drawers and cabinet doors 
by jumping up for treats and people food.  
Bad Max!  
Mom said that she was at Home Depot and saw a product 
She said that she had started using it and was 
astonished at the difference.   
Well, if you can't trust your mother then who can you trust?  
But I told her to send me some Before and After Pictures so that I could see for myself.  *wink*  
The Restor-A-Finish comes in 9 colors to match your cabinets or furniture.  
After she used the Restor-A-Finish she used Feed-N-Wax to give it a beautiful shine and to condition the wood.  

Here is a Before picture of one of the drawers 
that Max had scratched with his little paws.  
She used a very fine steel wool (0000) on the scratches 
and a soft cloth on the other parts of the drawer 
that weren't scratched.  
After a few minutes she wiped it off.  
The website says that it treats scratches, nicks, abrasions, and those nasty heat rings and water marks! 
And the same drawer After!  
That really does look pretty! 
This is her Pantry door Before 
that had a few scratches on it.  
 And After!  
You can't even see where the scratches were!  
More pictures of her cabinets After.  
Mom said that it was easy but a little time consuming.  
I'll trade a little time and effort for that outcome!  
The website says that you can even use a darker color 
for a richer, darker look.  
Hmmmmmm, that has me thinking about all of those folks with Honey Oak cabinets...  
I run into those while I'm staging All of the time!  
Don't they look Brand New?  
Nice Job Mom!  
So, if you have company coming and you want to freshen up your kitchen or get those scratches and water rings off of the furniture give this product a try.  
BTW, I am in NO WAY being compensated 
by this makers of this product.  
I just like passing on good information.

(And, I'm hoping to get some Pumpkin Bread or Homemade Fudge from Mom)

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,
XO Cindy


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