No Really, this is easy!  
It took me more time to take photos 
and make this banner on Pic Monkey 
than it did to make the wreath.  
I like to have a wreath on the front door 
(two actually, I have double doors).  
I don't like the ones that I see in the craft stores 
and I don't like the prices of the ones 
that I see in the higher end home stores 
or online, especially when I have to buy two.  
I wanted something simple 
so I bought flowers all in shades 
of lavender and white.  
I usually have a few grapevine wreaths 
lying around that I have purchased 
when they are discounted 
but I really wanted a messy willow wreath 
so I had to pay for it.  
OK, I had one 40% off coupon 
and the flowers were all 50% off 
so it wasn't THAT bad.  
 I took apart the bunches of flowers 
so that I had individual stems.  
I just poked them in the willow 
to see where I wanted them 
and then wired them in really well.  
You could hot glue them if you like.  
I always burn my fingers 
and then it makes it hard to type. 
I layered the lavender and the 
lighter shade with the white 
and while I was looking for ribbon 
I came across this initial 
that I had in my craft stash.  
I think I had it to make something for my mother 
but I swear I can't remember what it was!  
Sorry Mom!  
Now it stands for 
But you could just use any initial you like... 
I wired the letter in 
and then I will cover it with the flowers.  
It's hard to tell how the finished product will look  
so I like to hang it up inside 
and fuss with it.  
I added a few more flowers 
and I was finished!  

Now I have to make another one...

Hope you are all having a great week!  
Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves

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